=== Pages In Widgets === Contributors: jayden-major, ramiy, ethanpil Tags: Jayden major, widgets, custom home page, pages on widgets, page, page editor, one page section, page in widget section, posts in widget, posts in widgets Donate link: https://jaydenmajor.com/donate Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.6.1 Stable tag: 1.7.2 License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html Pages In Widgets is a simple plugin that allows you to insert a the content of a page created in the normal WordPress pages interface into a widget. == Description == Pages In Widgets is a plugin that allows you to insert a the content of a page created in the normal WordPress pages interface into a widget. This most helpful on theme where the from page is a serious of widget areas. By using this widget it allows you to edit widgets areas using the visual editor build into WordPress. == Installation == = Install From WordPress Repository = 1. Find and Install & activate Pages In Widgets 2. To use go to widgets and drag & drop the Pages In Widgets widget to the selected section 3. The widget will ask you to select a page and if you want to display the page title 4. Save the content for the selected page will now be included in the widget section = Install Via Upload = 1. Download the Pages In Widgets plugin from either wordpress.org of jaydenmajor.com/plugins 2. Upload, Install & activate Pages In Widgets 3. To use go to widgets and drag & drop the Pages In Widgets widget to the selected section 4. The widget will ask you to select a page and if you want to display the page title 5. Save the content for the selected page will now be included in the widget sectiion == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can this plugin also insert post into widgets? = Not at this stage but if the feature is requested i can be enabled. = Why did you develop this plugin? = I developed this plugin because i found that i was writing HTML in text widgets and the sites needed to be edited by non technical people and inserting a page into a widget was the easiest way. == Screenshots == 1. Screenshot of the plugin working in a widget area. 2. New updated screenshot of the widget options. == Changelog == = 1.7.2 = Release Date: Sep 14, 2016 * Fixed Bug that caused the page/post content not to be displayed correctly = 1.7.1 = Release Date: May 03, 2016 * Fixed issue that made the plugin unable to actavate or reactavate after an update = 1.7 = Release Date: May 03, 2016 * Added Widget to allow inserting of posts into widgets areas * Changed plugin structure to better support the above changes * Changed the way the plugin queries for pages and posts - Should help with some peoples problems with the plugin = 1.6.1 = Release Date: Dec 30, 2015 * Updated Widget to add adisional checks. * Changed the way the plugin outputs data to display the page. = 1.6 = Release Date: Dec 29, 2015 * Added Output Type Selection * By Default keep html page formatting i.e. previous version just removed some html tags = 1.5 = Release Date: Dec 06, 2015 * i18n: Use [translate.wordpress.org](https://translate.wordpress.org/) to translate the plugin. * i18n: Update textdomain, same as the plugin slug. * Add phpDocs. = 1.4 = Release Date: Nov 18, 2015 * Added Custom class opton. = 1.3 = Release Date: Oct 16, 2015 * Security: Prevent direct access to php files. * Security: Prevent direct access to directory. * i18n: Add translation functions. = 1.2.1 = Release Date: Aug 15, 2015 * Changed widget title form Page Widget -> Pages In Widget. = 1.2 = Release Date: Aug 11, 2015 * Bug Fix: Move away from using PHP 4 style constrictors - Needed for wordpress 4.3. = 1.1 = Release Date: May 13, 2015 * Bug Fix: Fixed issue were widget appeared to loose preferences. (No preferences were lost this was just a display error). = 1.0 = Release Date: May 12, 2015 * Initial release.