=== Random Content === Contributors: endocreative Donate link: http://www.endocreative.com Tags: content, widget, random, shortcode, text, images, testimonials, faq Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.5.3 Stable tag: 1.3.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Randomly display any content anywhere on your site. == Description == This plugin allows you to display random content anywhere on your site using a shortcode or widget. You can group your random content together, allowing you to display different content in multiple locations throughout your site. The content is added via a custom post type, so you have full access to the tinyMCE editor. This allows you to easily add images, text, and links to your random content. = Using a widget = 1. Navigate to Appearance->Widgets and add the Random Content widget to a sidebar. 2. Select a group from the dropdown. If you don't create a group, the widget will use all entries. = Using a shortcode = Place the shortcode `[random_content]` anywhere on a post or page. To choose entries from a specific group, add the `group_id` parameter. For example, `[random_content group_id="64"]`. To specify the number of posts to show, add the `num_posts` parameter. For example, `[random_content group_id="13" num_posts="3"]`. == Installation == 1. Upload `random-content.php` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Create an entry in the Random Content post type. 4. Categorize your content using Groups. **Only content within the content editor will be displayed.** == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can I group certain entries together? = Yes. Create a group, and assign specific entries to the group. It works just like categories. = How do I find the group id? = Click on Random Content > Group in the WordPress admin. Look for the number in the ID column. = How do I display more than one post? = In the shortcode, use the num_posts parameter. In the widget, enter a number in the "Number of Posts to Show at Once" input. == Screenshots == 1. Adding the widget to a sidebar. == Changelog == = 1.3.1 = * Fix shortcode output so that multiple posts will display = 1.3 = * Add rc_content filter for extending the plugin output in both the shortcode and the widget * Add content filter to widget output to allow for oembed support = 1.2 = * Add localization files for translation support = 1.1 = * Add num_posts parameter to old version of shortcode for backwards compatibility = 1.0 = * Update shortcode to [random_content] to help prevent conflicts with other plugins * Added a num_posts paramenter to the shortcode so that more than one post can show at a time * Added the ability to not choose a group in a widget, even if a group exists * Added the ability to control the number of posts that show in the widget * Rebuilt the plugin using OOP principles based on the WordPress plugin boilerplate * Added plugin banner graphic * Updated screenshot image = 0.4 = * Update input text syntax in widget = 0.3 = * Add shortcode functionality. * Reset post data after widget query. = 0.1 = * First released into the wild.