"U-Design WooCommerce Integration" plugin

Built and tested for:
  - U-Design: Version 2.0.0+
  - WooCommerce: Version 2.1.0+

Please feel free to install and activate the attached plugin ("u-design-woocommerce.zip") which will give you full integration of "<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="U-Design" href="http://themeforest.net/item/udesign-wordpress-theme/253220?ref=AndonDesign">U-Design</a>" with "<a rel="nofollow" target="_blank" title="WooCommerce eCommerce WordPress plugin" href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/woocommerce/">WooCommerce eCommerce WordPress plugin</a>". 
<img src="/u-design-support/uploads/FileUpload/9/6729.png" />

-> The plugin will also check if "U-Design" and "WooCommerce" are currently active, and only then run.
-> The plugin doesn't have its own configuration page, there's really no need for that, you just activate it and move onto setting up your WooCommerce plugin.
-> This plugin will also add a new widget which I recommend you use with the "Top Area Social Media" widget area which will add dynamically updated shopping cart information and account links to the top area of the site.
-> It integrates pagination with WP-PageNavi plugin if installed.
-> For most of the Pages that are editable though the WordPress backend you could assign any sidebar to them, or "full-width page" template if you prefer to not have a sidebar, however there are some instances of the WooComm. pages like the single product pages that require a sidebar which you cannot choose, in this case I have assigned the "PageSidebar8" widget area to be used programmatically.
-> All the default images ("Catalog Images", "Single Product Image", "Product Thumbnails") have been preset for best results and I don't recommend you to re-size them.
A demo site has been setup http://idesignmywebsite.com/u-design-shop/

-> If you have any questions about this integration I have put together a Section WooCommerce Integration (http://dreamthemedesign.com/u-design-support/categories/woocommerce-integration), please post your questions under it.
-> The support we provide here is limited strictly to this integration and NOT to WooCommerce plugin itself, for specific questions about that plugin please turn to the plugin's own support.
-> I decided to keep this integration as a plugin and not built into the theme, so that I can independently of the theme do updates to it should issues arise.


Version 2.1.15 - Updated: 20.07.2016
Fixed : Bottom area button styles

Version 2.1.14 - Updated: 06.08.2015
Updated : *po files to include the translation source keyword "_x"

Version 2.1.13 - Updated: 15.07.2015
Fixed : "U-Design: WooCommerce Cart" Widget (WordPress 4.3 compatibility)

Version 2.1.12 - Updated: 31.03.2015
Added : Spanish Translation
Fixed : Cross-Sells responsive layout arrangement

Version 2.1.11 - Updated: 23.03.2015
Fixed : Shop page products pricing display adjustment

Version 2.1.10 - Updated: 23.02.2015
Updated : Menu list items padding
Fixed : Searchbox in bottom area padding
Fixed : Double breadcrumbs on product categories page

Version 2.1.9 - Updated: 18.02.2015
Fixed : Bug with product search field

Version 2.1.8 - Updated: 12.02.2015
Updated : Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.3.3

Version 2.1.7 - Updated: 12.02.2015
Updated : Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.3+

Version 2.1.6 - Updated: 29.11.2014
Added : French Translation
Fixed : Some positioning and margins with the checkout buttons in responsive breakpoint 3 and 2

Version 2.1.5 - Updated: 08.07.2014
Fixed : Minor bug in some widgets' layouts with multiple variations

Version 2.1.4 - Updated: 27.02.2014
Fixed : Minor bugs in responsive layout breakpoints 1 and 2 (related to WooCommerce 2.1.3 update)

Version 2.1.3 - Updated: 12.02.2014
Updated : Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.1.0
Fixed : Minor bugs

Version 2.1.2 - Updated: 20.09.2013
Fixed : A bug when child theme active and parent "U-Design" theme is deleted causing WordPress lock out.
Fixed : Shop page product title not formatting properly as link when theme's "Featured Image" in the blog section is enabled

Version 2.1.1 - Updated: 20.07.2013
Fixed : Minor bugs related to IE browsers
Fixed : Breadcrumbs' padding in responsive breakpoint 3

Version 2.1.0 - Updated: 23.04.2013
Added : Responsive Layout support
Added : Dutch Translation
Added : German Translation

Version 2.0.0 - Updated: 03.03.2013
Updated : Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.0

Version 1.1.0 - Updated: 02.03.2013
Added : Translation support
Fixed: Remove breadcrumbs from WooCommerce pages when disabled from the theme's "General Options"

Version 1.0.1 - Updated: 29.01.2013
Updated : cleaned up some page titles related code

Version 1.0.0 - Initial Release: 16.12.2012